Dr. Samiksha Homeopathic Clinic
It's all about your health!!
From preventive care to chronic issues, we are there for you, always.
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From preventive care to chronic issues, we are there for you, always.
Good News – PCOD can now be treated by homeopathy!
From preventive care to chronic issues, we are there for you, always.
Do you need surgery for Kidney Stones?
From preventive care to chronic issues, we are there for you, always.


Basic Principles of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that body can cure itself. It was developed in late 1700s by German physician Samuel Hahnemann. This branch of medicine is practiced in India and many other European countries.

The basic principle of Homeopathy is, the substance that triggers a certain disease can also cure it, which is referred to as the “Law of Similars” or “Like cures Like.” Homeopaths use tiny amounts of natural substances, like plants and minerals. They believe diluting the substance stimulates the healing process. Homeopathy individualizes the treatment. The patient’s symptoms, medical history and personality are all taken into account before prescribing. Unlike the Allopathic branch of medicine, diagnosis alone like “rheumatoid arthritis” or “asthma” does not dictate the medicine to be used. There may be 20 or more remedies for one disease. This is very different from orthodox medicine, where everyone with the same diagnosis tends to get the same medicine. In Homeopathy the Dr prescription varies based on how the patient expresses the disease.

Homeopathy, Holistic Healing

Homeopaths believe that symptoms of ill-health point towards disharmony within the interconnected elements of the person as a whole, so the treatment offered should be Holistic. 

They believe patients’ symptoms are actually weak attempts of the body to heal itself, and Homeopathic remedies act by stimulating the individual’s defense mechanism towards self-healing.  

Homeopathy uses plants, minerals and other substances made into solutions, and then diluted (and succussed or vigorously shaken) to a point where no substance molecules remain. Sometimes a single dose of this sub-molecular medicine can act for 3 years in a row without the need to repeat the medication. 

While taking the case history, Homeopaths may ask you many questions that you might find irrelevant at that moment. However, your answers help the homeopaths prescribe you the best-suited medication towards Holistic Healing. Homeopaths do not work on isolated symptoms; they look beyond present symptoms and physical health. 


Health problems that can be treated through Homeopathy

Homeopathy has evolved considerably. Earlier, people used to find Homeopathy effective for acute conditions, like kidney stones and ear complaints.

However, over time, we have seen that Homeopathic remedies are very effective for chronic conditions as well like asthma, colitis, etc. 

Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic, reasonably priced, and don’t cause side effects when used alongside traditional medications. Dr. Samiksha uses homeopathic remedies to treat PCOD, Psoriasis, Asthma, Sciatica, Kidney Stone, Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Migraine, Acne, Cervical Spondylosis, Bed-wetting, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s to name a few.

Please go through the testimonials given by our clients, it will help you to give further insights on Dr. Samiksha’s strengths to handle challenging cases.

Why Us?

Dr. Samiksha has experience of 24+ years and is blessed with a Healing Touch.

More About Homeopathy

Homeopathy can help you with respiratory diseases

Data from air quality and pollution city tracking service from IQAir, a Switzerland-based climate group, stated that Delhi, Kolkata, and Mumbai are the world’s top 10 cities with the worst air quality

Homeopathy and Acute Illnesses

Homeopathy has the solution to acute illnesses as well. However, you would need to consult a professional Homeopath for Acute Illnesses that are more serious and are longer-lasting, as this would need close monitoring of the symptoms. The Homeopath Dr. may have to change the medicine, or its potency, based on the changes in the symptoms.

Homeopathy for Chronic Conditions

Sooner or later, nearly all of us develop at least one chronic medical condition that may change our lives profoundly. Homeopathy offers natural and effective medicines, called remedies, to help your innate healing system overcome the imbalance causing the health problems.

Homeopathy for kids

Amongst different remedial approaches to treating kids, homeopathy has proven to be a brilliant solution as it typically does not cause any side effects, unlike many traditional drugs. At its core, homeopathy works by creating remedies based on highly diluted natural ingredients, strengthening & supporting the defensive reaction of the body and stimulating self-healing.

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AddressWZ-90, Market, near Manohar Atta Chakki, Jwalaheri Village, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi 110063

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We offer patients the ability to get consultation via their smartphone for a range of conditions. You can get connected to Dr Samiksha via WhatsApp audio/video call or messenger audio/video call, after payment & appointment confirmation.

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